Sami Zayn... The Good, The Bad and the Ucey

So hear me out , El Generico aka Sami Zayn is currently the most well rounded thing going on in WWE. I’m not going to lie , at one point I totally believed he would never get beyond the mid-card. His matches with Kevin Owens (FKA Kevin Steen) were for sure top tier and his character work with the conspiracy stuff definitely grew on me as far as entertainment value. But recently he has shown how truly versatile a star he is.
Originally I thought his role in the Bloodline was going to be short lived, but boy was I wrong. Still not completely sure if it was planned as part of the long term story or if they called an audible as the pops continued to grow. Either way his stock has grown for sure. From making #UCEY go viral to having Roman Reigns and the rest of the Bloodline break character on live TV.Sami Uso’s story is still far from over where it ends up who knows. Wether it’s a title match against Reigns or rekindling his partnership with KO to challenge the Uso’s for the tag titles one thing is for sure , We will all be tuned in.
And that’s the bottom line !! - B. Knucks